Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Rescues, smelly seals and goofy fish

The new blog will now work at the usual address: (thanks Dave). You can see the old one by using the link on the right hand side. Please note that you don't need to log in to post comments now, but please stick your name in there so we can see who's saying what!

We're still at Jason and Jacqui's house and enjoying their tremendous hospitality. We had a cracking day out on the boat yesterday with the family, which began with having to rescue a couple of jetski riders who'd broken down (or as it turned out, hadn't plugged the safety thing in properly). After that we headed out to sea for some sightseeing, fishing and a bbq on the boat. We both caught fish within about 30 seconds of dropping the bait in which obviously upset the Aussies...

Charlotte also caught the catch of the day; a fish called the Leatherjacket which has teeth like a horse and skin like leather (obviously).

House and job hunting are the priorities of today though so we'd better get back to it.

The Australian Fur Seals in Port Philip:

Charlotte on the hunt for sharks:

Jason's brother-in-law David and Charlotte's fish of the day:


  • Just been catching up on the last few weeks worth of your adventures. Looks ace, utterly ace.

    Me & Clare's World Tour stops off in Oz in November (assuming we don't lose the air tickets in Las Vegas or break our necks bungie jumping in New Zealand). We're going to Melboure, then Cairns (via Alice Springs for a bit) and then bumming our way down to Sydney for new year. So you'd better have something nicer than that skanky death-van by then, otherwise we're not coming to see you :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:48 PM  

  • Hey guys, glad to see your having a nice time, you workshy gets.. Anyways congrats on safely making it to melbourne. I have been watching the games to see if i can spot you. Thought I might see you on the womans triathlon(or whatever it is called) but was put off by watching loads of athl;etic women pedalling bikes in very skimpy swimming costumes.

    Btw you want to be careful near harold bishop, i was off work all week looking after mary and turned neighbours on to see Harold strangleing paul robinson, after trying to run him over with his car. The worm has turned i think, I turned it off when harold got the tuba out...

    Anyways keep up the lack of work and speak to you soon.

    P.s Jim, at least kevs van doesn't leak

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:13 AM  

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