Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Friday, July 07, 2006

Gay Gay Gayndah

It's been over a month since we arrived in this town but the end is in sight. We had our last day yesterday. We've been doing less hours and 5 day weeks for the past fortnight as the work is beginning to dry up so it's time to leave. We've made a decent chunk of money which should take us through the next month or two, depending on how much sailing, scuba-diving, surfing, driving and various other activies we do.

We've actually become a little fond of Gayndah as we've made some good friends here and had a really good time. So to continue from our last update a couple of weeks ago, we were invited to a barbecue by a weird Kiwi man we met in the kitchen, who insisted that because we didn't hang around with him and his odd friends that we were anti-social. Luckily we were working that day but we organised our own bbq instead and got a group of friends up to the lookout. Much beer was drunk, sausages eaten and views taken in and it was a good day out.

The house has been great. Rodney and Tracey are our hosts and they're native Queenslanders, although they're from further south. They've been looking after us well and the fridge has been tremendously well stocked with beer since we arrived. Adam, one of our other workmates who was also a neighbour at the camspite has also been living with us so the 5 of us have been keeping each other amused both at work and at home.

Last weekend we were joined on Friday night by Dave and Pam Male, (friends of Kev's Dad who are over here for the rugby - but don't mention the rugby) and they treated us to a big meal and an endless supply of beer and Bundy and cokes. No complaints from us for that! The following Sunday was Adam's birthday so on Saturday we invited one of the Korean girls from work over and she insisted on cooking us some Korean food, which was superb.

In return, we cooked some traditional English mashed potato, which was also superb, as far as mashed potato goes.

But all things must end and so this weekend will be our last here. Rod cooked us all a fried breakfast this morning and is cooking us a roast for this afternoon, so we're just going to sit back in our reclining chair and enjoy it.

As long as the van doesn't disagree, Monday is when we say goodbye. The van briefly broke down again last week but Kev and Adam spent a few hours pulling bits off the engine and putting them back on again, so it'll probably be fine from now on. We plan on heading to a place on the coast that is called Town of 1770. Honestly, it is. Captain Cook must have been low on inspiration that day.

Still can't upload our photos unfortunately but if we get chance on Monday we'll pop into the library and do it before we leave. There are quite a few...


  • this is starting to sound like Kev and Char's beer and bbq tour of Aus. Good luck with Matilda ;)

    By Blogger Jason Woods, at 10:08 PM  

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