Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Monday, September 24, 2007

Last day in Darwin

Well this day has come up on us so quick that it hasn't quite sunk in yet. We're just organising the last few things before we fly out to Sydney early tomorrow morning. We will be going to the northern beaches this time as we missed out on that when we first arrived in Oz, and we just have a couple of days there before we fly to New Zealand.

We finished work on Sunday and, although most of our mates had left weeks ago, we still had a couple of beers with everyone at the end of the day, including our replacements.

All our stuff has been sold and is being picked up tonight so we moved into a cabin yesterday. You wouldn't believe how luxurious it is to not have to walk 200 metres to go to the toilet, or the simple joys of having a sink!

We are a bit used to just throwing old water and crumbs onto the floor though so beware if we come to visit.

Last night we had a few people from the campsite and work round and we helped each other through several beers and a box of wine. We have an early flight tomorrow morning so that was our last chance to say goodbye.

It's hard to comprehend that this is now the beginning of the end of our trip. We're fully intent on having an absolute ball for the next few weeks before returning to the normality. Real jobs, bills and traffic jams.

We only have a short stay in Sydney so the next time you hear from us we'll probably be in the fourth country of our rather large trip - New Zealand.

Ta ta.

A summary of our last few weeks:

Getting the car ready for sale:

Lost four wheels, gained another four wheels:

Lost those four wheels:

Life at work - Charlotte off to show some customers how to drive cars:

Kev doing quite obviously the most important job in the company:

A few beers to say goodbye to the crew, from Charlotte going clockwise it's Kim, Warwick, Beth, Amanda, Jo, Ty, Sarah, Olivia, Maggy, Damien and two Korean blokes who'd just started:


  • What am I going to read at work when your blog has finished!!! Fear not, i have spoken to your Dad (& future Dad-in-Law), who has kindly offered to donate £2000 so that you can carry on travelling for another year. What a Guy !

    By Blogger Rich & Zoe's Blog, at 1:56 PM  

  • I can continue writing it. I'll just make stuff up. Having a lovely time on the Moon. Arrived yesterday and visited Crater Number 6034... etc.

    By Blogger Kev & Charlotte, at 9:36 PM  

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