Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hit the top

Hello. First of all, thanks for all the congratulations!

Second, we didn't have a proper photo of Reefworld but they do have a website if you were wondering what we were banging on about -

Our last update was from Townsville and we've covered a fair few kilometres since then. We continued a couple of hours up the coast to Mission Beach, where we met up with Martin and Nancy (the Dutch and German we've seen a few times on the way up). They're on their way back down the coast looking for work at the moment, and not having much luck which is a bit worrying.

The campsite at Mission Beach was nice but had it's fair share of wildlife, especially round the kitchen. There was a huge spider above the sink, a small rat that wandered round like a pet, and loads of geckos. You had to watch where you put your dinner plate as gecko poo is not resistant to gravity.

Anyway, we had a lazy day on Mission Beach which was very nice, and the following morning arrived in Cairns. The weather's consistently 26+ which, although low by the UKs current standard, is still very nice. It's a tropical city too so it's quite pretty and the atmosphere is very relaxed, by city standards.

After a day there it was onward and upward. A quick stop and an ice cream in a lovely town called Port Douglas and then a little further north to a place called Mossman Gorge. Richard and Zoe should recognise the name (we think). Swimming is encouraged but it's bloody cold in there so we decided to just sit and enjoy the stunning surroundings instead. Oh, we also had a play on the Indiana Jones style swing bridge too, although we weren't being chased by cannibalistic tribesmen. I don't think we were anyway.

It was back into the van and up into the Daintree rainforest. This is yet another of Australia's world heritage listed areas. We just arrived in time to do a croc-spotting river cruise which was superb. We saw 6 or 7 crocodiles ranging from 10cm to 5 metres, plus snakes, tree frogs and some funky birds.

Once that was over it was getting late so we took the ferry across the river and found ourselves a nice campsite in the rainforest to sleep. Despite some bloody big fruit bats chucking big, rock-hard berries at the van, plus the usual spooky rainforest noises, we got a decent nights kip.

This morning we went as far as a non-4WD vehicle can go - Cape Tribulation, which was surpisingly nice. We had a look at the beach and then had a long rainforest walk, completely failing to spot anything other than a medium sized spider and some duck-like birds. However, as soon as we reached the end of the walk there was a big monitor lizard wandering round, and it seemed happy to pose for photos for us.

We've come back further south and decided to spend a bit more time in Port Douglas, since it's quite a nice place and we didn't really spend enough time here before. We're heading inland to the Atherton Tablelands when we leave here to explore a bit more of the rainforest and hopefully find some more snakes, crocs and lizards.

We have to go south before we can head inland as for our next chapter, we're hoping to drive all the way to Darwin. However, before that we want to find some work, so it's as far south as we need to go to find the harvest work from now on...

No piccies of beaches for a change. Here's some of the wildlife we've seen this past week (and one picture of a beach):

Port Douglas Beach:

Mossman Gorge:


Tree snake (not a poisonous one):

Monitor Lizard:


  • Fancy not swimming in Mossman Gorge you pair of wussy's. It was lovely....mind you, i am still recovering from hypothermia !!!

    By Blogger Rich & Zoe's Blog, at 4:53 AM  

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