Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Friday, April 27, 2007

Onion and on and on


We're currently in the lovely city of Adelaide, where it's cold, wet and miserable. The rain is welcome though since just a few days ago the government announced they'd have to put in severe water restrictions in the area due to the drought.

We're only here visiting for the day though to get away from our current home in Mannum. The onion job is probably the worst job we've had and as such we're quite keen to get our money and make a move, so we'll be on the road again soon for the final leg of our Oz trip.

We had one small perk over the easter weekend (aside from all the onions we can eat). There was no work at our place over easter but one of the directors has a small garlic farm so we went to work for him for a day. It's just a family thing so it was nice and relaxed, and after work we were invited down to the river Murray, since the farm has 2km of riverside land. The director's son had a speedboat and they were nice enough to take us out for a blast down the river, dragging some of their kids behind on knee-boards.

Then, we were asked if we fancied doing a bit of knee-boarding ourselves. A bit of a strange way to end a days work - being dragged along the river on your knees, but it was good fun!

The other thing we've done since we last updated was our weekend in the Grampians National Park with Jason's family. We had a great time up there and even though we went last year, it was still quite breathtaking. We took our six car convoy out on the Saturday and did some off-roading, some of which turned out to be a bit more extreme than expected!

One road, known as 61 hump hill, is a track heading downhill but with humps all along it. Last time Jason's crew went there it was fairly tame but this time it'd obviously had a bit of a battering from the weather and at one 'hump', some of the cars really struggled to get down. According to our guages in the car, the steepest descent was 25 degrees, where the only thing stopping you falling into the windscreen is your seatbelt. It was excellent fun!

Thankfully our big old beast didn't miss a beat all day, although we did pick up a few scratches.

Speedboats and off-roading aside, it's been a quite uneventful few weeks. We'll be on the road again in a couple of weeks at the most to finish Australia in style.


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