Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Perth, finally!

Just a quick update. We arrived in Perth yesterday and so for the next few days we're just going to relax and give ourselve a break from continuously putting the tent up and down. We're in the city centre at the moment and it's very nice, as cities go.

There's an international arts festival on so we've been seeing if there's anything we want to see (and what's cheap) but other than that we're not really sure what we'll be doing with ourselves.

We're going to try and catch up with some friends this weekend and then Kev's family next week sometime, and then it'll be an easy 2,000 mile cruise over towards Melbourne for mid-March.

...just in time for the Grand Prix, what a coincidence!


  • See you in Melbourne :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:00 AM  

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