Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Wednesday, May 30, 2007



All is well down under. It's our last day in Tasmania today as we catch the overnight ferry back to the mainland in a few hours. In a strange way it's been like a little holiday for us, mainly in the sense that we've spent more than we usually do.

The tent's not looking too great these days and last night we ended up getting a motel room so that we could make some proper repairs. It seems the stuff we bought last year at the beginning of our trip is beginning to wear out, and we're so close the end so don't want to buy anything new. We might have to just blag our way through the next few weeks.

Anyway, after leaving Hobart we had a nice time cruising up the east coast. Tassy feels small compared to the mainland but the roads are incredibly hilly and windy, so every journey took twice as long as we expected. Great place for an MX-5 this...

Most of our time has been spent in the car, oohing and aahing at the scenery which is frequently postcard perfect. We drove over to Port Arthur, an old historic prison settlement, but it was too expensive so we just looked through the hedge. Then we had a couple of nights in Coles Bay exploring the Freycinet National Park, and last night we stayed in Launceston which is Tassy's 2nd city - literally - there are only two cities in this state, despite what the signs say.

Today we popped up to Beaconsfield which is where Australias biggest news story of 2006 happened, but I don't know if you got it back home. There was an earthquake and one miner died, but two others were trapped underground for a couple of weeks until their amazing rescue.

And now we're in Ulverstone, using the computers in the library. Once we hit the big country again we'll be pedalling hard across Victoria and into South Australia again. We want to see a few places there and then get a couple of things on the car checked. Then we'll be heading north, but rather than the highway we'll be taking a more adventurous road through the remote outback called the Oodnadatta track. It'll probably be our last Aussie adventure.

OK, that's been our life for the past week and now here's some piccies of Tassy and Victoria.

Somewhere on the Great Ocean Road, Victoria:

Our mighty chariot, somewhere else on the Great Ocean Road, Victoria;

Still on mainland Australia, it's the lighthouse from Round the Twist! Have you ever... ever felt like this...?

Tasmania now, and getting ready to leave Stanley, in the shadow of The Nut:

The Nut from afar:

Cradle Mountain and some white, cold stuff falling from the sky:


A typical Tassy view, this one from the road up to Mt. Victoria:

Or if you're looking away from the land, this is a typical Tassy view:

And this one:


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