Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Howdo. We're now back down south in Bowen and on the hunt for work again. The plan is to top up our funds and then attempt the long and dusty drive to Darwin. The van's all sorted, we hope, but we just need an extra bit of financial security in case anything unexpected happens on the 2,000km journey.

It looks like we won't be travelling alone though, as Martin and Nancy are also heading that way so we've arranged to go in convoy with them.

Getting work is proving more difficult than we expected. We drove round a load of farms yesterday and they all had nothing to offer us, so we've signed up to an agency and got some numbers from the Government's Harvest Guide to try. The only thing it looks like we'll be able to get is pumpkin's, and that sounds like bloody hard work. Just to remind you, we didn't come here for bloody hard work.

Here's some piccies that Kai (our diving instructor) took underwater at the reef (yes, we are smiling):


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