Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Monday, December 25, 2006

Festive Photos

Hello. We had a lovely Christmas here in Broome. Our day began by unwrapping our present - a bar of chocolate, and then we had a big fry up with Brett. We then made up an interesting concoction of fruit juice and Gin and played a few games.

We joined another group of other long-termers from the campsite in a game of cricket. Let's just say we regained the prestige of our nation. Then it was time for a swim to cool off, and back to the beer and gin and fruit punch.

The massive breakfast kept us going until teatime when we cooked up a delicious feast of steaks, chicken kebabs, prawns, potato salad and a chilli crab caught a couple of days ago. We finished eating just in time to wander down to the beach to watch the sun go down and eat our mince pies. Brett hadn't had a mince pie before but he seemed to enjoy it.

It was a strange christmas and although we had a good day we were a little homesick. Or maybe that was the punch.

Hangovers weren't too bad today so all in all it was a success! Now we just have to plan something for new year.

Here's our festive photos:

Our Christmas decorations (on the tent there). No expense spent.

Err, this is the same piece of tinsel.

Kev unwraps his present:

Brett with 4.5kg of steak:

Christmas dinner in progress:

Kev chatting to Charlotte's sister Tracey on cable beach:

Sea, sun, sand and Mince pies:

Hope you all had a great Christmas!


  • Hi Kev, Hi Charlotte. Didn't realise you had this blog until Charlie told me recently. Anyway, thought I'd keep you updated with the latest headlines.
    Today on the news (bong)...
    Firstly, I am now the proud Chairman of WBMCC - Rob & I are trying to start a process of evolution within the club. Hurry up and get your arse back here to help us! You can have too much sun mate.
    And after the break (bong)...
    Oh yeah, by the way, on 31/12/06 Laura & I became parents. Nearly slipped my mind. Ellie Elizabeth Nutten, 9lb 6oz (= 4.25kg = large and rather painful). Beautiful (= looks nothing like her balding father).

    How do I send you guys a picture?

    And now the weather (bong)...
    It's wet. Goodnight.

    All the best,
    Paul, Laura & Ellie.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:49 PM  

  • We just saw the photos you emailled, congrats to you both. It was only a couple of months ago we found out there was a little Nutten on the way so that appears to have been the shortest pregnancy in history!

    I bet the weather here is wetter - cyclone Isabel is about to hit a few hundred kms south of here so we've got strong winds and some nasty rain for the next day or so.

    By Blogger Kev & Charlotte, at 9:16 PM  

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