Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Friday, November 03, 2006

Nearly time to say goodbye

We've just about done our time here at the cashew resort (as it's now known). We'll be leaving on Monday providing we can get the car fixed and work out how to fit all our stuff back into it.

Although it's been mostly been a cycle of work - beer - sleep a few things have changed since our last update. Most notably, after over three months of hot, dry sunshine we've finally had some rain. On Wednesday a sinister looking cloud came over the horizon bringing thunder and spectacular lightning with it. The worst of it missed the houses but the road into the farm took a bit of a battering apparently, and Brett and Pete had to go out and clear it. Hopefully we'll be able to get out when it's time to go!

A couple more storms passed by today too so it's probably a matter of time before the farm gets a good one. It'd be great to see but there's a good chance of getting stuck here so it's probably a good time to scarper.

Live Update: As it happens there's a massive storm heading our way just as I'm typing this. The sky's flashing like a christmas tree!

With the wet weather has come a load of magpie geese too, which moved into the farm just before the rain started. Apparently they're quite edible...

We had a trip into town last Monday - our first day off in 3 weeks - and after treating ourselves to a KFC, we had a look at some cars. The van is just too much of a liability and we're considering getting a 4WD to give us more options as we head into the rugged west. The backpackers have largely buggered off from Darwin so the choice was minimal but there was a 4WD there that caught our eye and if it's still there when we leave we'll be considering it. That idea is up in the air at the moment but watch this space.

It'll be sad to leave the farm as it's been a real experience. In fact it's something that we'd have happily paid for in all honesty so getting paid to be here has been pretty sweet.

The other development is that we've now done 3 months harvest work which allows us to apply for a second visa, giving us another 12 months in Oz. We made the decision a few weeks ago which is why we've stayed at the farm for so long. Fear not though, I know you're all missing us terribly and are desparate to have us back but we don't intend to stay in Oz for the full 12 months. We just wanted to give ourselves a bit more time to finish our circuit of the country (we're only halfway round so far) and also it will allow us to work again at some point, so we don't have to live on a shoestring so much and will be able to afford to do some more exciting things.

Finally, we'd both like to wish Jez and Vicky all the best for their wedding tomorrow. It's a real bugger we can't be there so have a good one and we'll certainly have a few beers on your behalf!

Even more finally, a mish-mash of piccies:

A little huntsman spider that was running round the kitchen. For some reason, most of the spiders around here are missing a few legs:

The old water truck. The story is that they went to nudge it out of the way with a tractor a few months ago, but it fired up and rolled right through the steel crash barrier and into the billabong, where it remained for a few weeks before they figured out how to drag it back out:

Billabong by night:

Kev and a cashew tree:

The storm coming in last Wednesday (and Charlotte if you can spot her):


  • I spotted Charlotte 1st. Just like the old Where's Wally books (No offence, that was the name of the character)

    My news is I've got 3 days off work and I'm going for a haircut.

    Kev, I'd consider the full 12 months if I were you. I'll look after your tyre charger thingy. I think I've worked out its in your car boot. Shame I'm not in Bingham at the moment.

    By Blogger Steve and Sam, at 6:15 AM  

  • You will send us before and after photos of your haircut won't you?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:38 AM  

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