Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

Hello. We've started 2007 and we have a bit of wind.

There's a cyclone about to hit the coast just a few hundred KMs south of Broome and we're copping a bit of the side effects, so the last day or so has had some pretty strong winds and some heavy rain.

It sounds like it's about to be downgraded from cyclone status soon though so although it's been a bit worrying for the past 24 hours or so, it looks like the tent won't have to come down.

So, to bring us up to date let's go back to New Years Eve. We began the day with a trip out of the caravan park to a place up the coast called Willie Creek. It's a beautiful little spot which opens out to the ocean and features a pearl farm (pearling being Broome's prime industry). We had a bit of fun taking the dirt road up there and after an hour or so we headed back to get on with the festivities. We were losing valuable drinking time!

A game of cricket in the afternoon started the party and we decided to stay on the caravan park for the evening, joining in with numerous little groups and parties going on which all merged together for midnight. We can remember most of the evening (Charlotte insists she can remember all of it - but she's not writing the blog... ha!).

By all accounts we had a good time, hope you all did too!

We solved a little car trouble over christmas with help from several other campers, and that turned out to be simply a bad connection in the relay to the glow plugs. We cleaned it up and since then Merv has been starting better than ever.

However, last night gave us a bit of a fright. We were woken at 3am by our neighbour shouting "hello, hello, there's a problem with your car!"

We unzipped the tent to see smoke coming from underneath the bonnet, the spotlights on full beam and what appeared to be flames licking the underside of the bonnet. For some unknown reason (but most likely related to the heavy rain), a small electrical fire had broken out in the relay to the spotlights (or 'spotties' in Aussie talk). We were bloody lucky, and managed to put it out before any major damage was done.

The car's fine now, we've secured all the wiring and removed the dodgy part. It's been checked about 150 times today already and all is OK, and the car was quite happy doing a river crossing - where Broome High Street usually is - this afternoon during a big downpour.

So, we're wet but warm, skint but happy, and ready to continue our travels in 2007.

Have a good one!

Here's our current location by the way (the cyclone is due to hit just up from Port Hedland)


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