Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Tuesday, January 09, 2007



This is just a quick update as we haven't been up to much since our last one. We have been doing a bit of job-hunting without much success. We both had a trial at a restaurant and Charlotte was offered a job at the local shop, but the person she was going to replace decided not to leave so that fell through.

We have been sorting some other things out too. There were a few problems with the car (nothing major for a change!) and we've just come back from having chest X-Rays; one of the conditions of the visa extensions we're applying for.

Broome is still hot and occasionally rainy although we haven't had a good storm since christmas eve.

Last Saturday was Brett's 30th birthday so the campsite regulars all gathered round Betsy (Brett's campervan) and had a few drinks. All was going well until Brett opened the Scotch and it wasn't long before he was staggering rather than walking. Late on in the evening, he and gravity had a bit of a falling out, and he went straight through his table, landing on his shoulder (and partly on his face) and doing something nasty to it.

Since we were all drunk we couldn't drive him to the hospital so we woke up Adam and Kerry - our neighbours - and Kerry took him in.

Other than that it's been fairly quiet, we've been saving money and just lounging around basically. It's a hard life innit.


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