Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Blowin' Bowen

Hello world. We're still in Bowen, still unemployed and being battered by the wind, but we're having a nice time all the same. Rodney, Tracey, Adam and Heeya, our fellow employees from Gayndah, are all here now so we've been having a laugh with them for the past couple of days. Yesterday we went fishing and had huge success, the catch of the day going to Tracey, which was a small sand crab. And by catch of the day, we mean it was the only thing we caught. Never mind.

Aside from that we've been spending a lot of time doing not very much at all, waiting for the weather to warm up a bit so that the farms will start picking the tomatoes. Once that happens, we should be able to find work without too much trouble and last night was definitely warmer, so we're hoping we'll be out there soon.

We've given ourselves a maximum of a couple of weeks to collect a bit of cash and then it'll be off into the outback on our way to Darwin.

We'll put a couple of pictures on next time we update the blog. This afternoon we'll be, err, well, there's a cask of wine that needs finishing off...

Have fun!


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