Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Saturday, September 16, 2006



Just a quick update to say that all is well here in the Northern Territory. The harvest has started here so we're spending most of our time sorting through the nuts and clearing out all the crap, such as the sticks and leaves and rotten fruit (cashew trees also grow apples). Oh, and also real crap, of the wallaby kind.

It's as exciting and smelly as it sounds.

Last night we were shown the creek on the far side of the farm by Cotts, an Irish backpacker who works with us. We took the farms Toyota Hilux, which is over 20 years old and yet is built like a tank (I was knocking trees down with it a few days ago). Even in the Hilux, we're not supposed to stop at the creek in case some prehistoric monster decides to attack us, so we just passed through. Unfortunately there wasn't a lot of that sort of wildlife to be seen so we'll have to go back with the camera and get some good piccies.

Nothing much more to report from here. It's getting hotter and more humid but it's surprisingly bearable. We must have become accustomed to the Australian climate!


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