Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Holy mother of pearl!

One job that we knew there was always available here in Broome is working on one of the several Pearl farms in the area. We had deliberately avoided it due to Charlotte's tendency to throw up when out on choppy seas.

However, we've been assured of a miracle cure for sea-sickness and so tomorrow afternoon we're being taken 120km up north to a place called Beagle Bay. It's remote up there and it's rough, dirt road all the way so 4WD only. We'll be picked up so our car will stay clean and safe in Broome.

As far as we can tell the work is largely going out on the pearling boats and cleaning the shells. Repetitive and hot work but the pay isn't bad and should allow us to move on fairly quickly.

It's a 10 day stint and we'll be living up there. We think it's a fair bet that there'll be no phone or internet (although we thought that with the farm!) so chances are we'll be quiet for 10 days starting tomorrow (Friday).

Hope everone is hunky dory. We're off back to the tent, where a foot-long blue-tongued lizard has just decided to move in... well, under.


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