Charlotte and Kev's Big Trip

Sunday, January 21, 2007

We're back, and we stink


Haven't got a lot of time as the library closes in a few minutes. We just thought we'd let you know that we're back and have had a nice time working on a pearl farm for the last 10 days or so. In fact, we have a few days off and then we plan to return on Friday for another 10 day stint.

Most of our time up in Beagle Bay was spent being wet, smelly, bruised, cut, stung and bitten. The other time was spent chipping crap off pearl shells - which wasn't a lot of fun - and then drinking lots of beer in the evenings - which was a lot of fun.

The bay itself was beautiful and our room faced the ocean. If we didn't have to get up before the sun rose then we probably would have appreciated it all the more.

We've been ridiculously well fed. They have a full time cook and all our meals (and washing) were catered for. Most of the food was restaurant quality so we've probably come back quite a bit heavier. We'll just pretend that's all the muscle we've gained from working so hard though.

We will update again some time this week with some piccies and a bit more info about what we've been up to.


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